Apprenticeship A20/B20/ A30/B30
This credit recognizes student achievement outside of the regular secondary level program.
Only students who are working or employed in a trade are eligible for this credit. The
student must work under the supervision of a journeyperson in a trade. 100 hours are
required for each credit
Career Exploration 10
An opportunity to access career development information in school (90 hours) and in the
work place (10 hours). Students are introduced to career development and focus on career
awareness. They participate in a variety of of self-awareness activities and instruments and
gain valuable experiences both in and out of the classroom.
Career Exploration 20
This course provides students with an opportunity to explore career development as well as
do some career planning. The career planning process is facilitated by a wide range of
interactive activities and work experience components. (10 – 20 hours classroom/online
learning and 80 hours of workplace learning)
Career Exploration 30
This class provides an opportunity for students to access the workplace,
experience career choices and develop entry level skills in a workplace setting. (10-20 hours
classroom and 80 hours of workplace learning)
Commercial Cooking 10/20/30
These courses are designed to create an awareness of, and to develop skills in, entry level food
preparation for the food service industry. The food service industry is one of the largest
employers in Canada. These courses are designed to give students the skills and practical
experiences necessary to enter the cooking trade or food service industry with confidence. The
study of food and cooking methods is essential to the cooking trade, therefore, lessons for
students in cooking theory reinforce practical exercises. Students are also introduced to
standards of professionalism that include the elements of personal hygiene and the qualities of
good workers. Prerequisite for Commercial Cooking 20: Commercial Cooking 10 Prerequisite
for Commercial Cooking 30: Commercial Cooking 10 and Commercial Cooking 20
Communication Media 10
The purpose of Communication Media is to provide experiences for students to develop an
understanding, skills, and abilities in audio, video, and interactive media production to
communicate effectively. Communication Media is a Practical and Applied Arts course. This
course will last one semester and cover approximately 100 hours of instruction. Learning
will shift from preproduction to production to postproduction phases as students gain skills
and understanding. Course work will be a balance of individual, group and hands on
activities designed to provide opportunities for one to learn about the three production
phases listed above.
Construction 20/30
Prerequisite: PAA10
The purpose of Construction and Carpentry is to expose students to the processes and skills
needed to construct a typical residential dwelling as well as explore some of the many
skilled trades careers associated with residential construction. Areas of Focus identify the
key components that students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do upon
completion of the learning in a Practical and Applied Arts curriculum. Because PAA curricula
generally contain more learning than one course (1 credit), the Areas of Focus are not
meant to be attained completely after 100 hours of learning. The Areas of Focus for
Construction and Carpentry are to: • safely develop life-long carpentry skills in a supportive
environment • utilize a variety of hand tools, portable power tools and stationary power
tools • investigate and demonstrate the construction techniques required in a typical
residential dwelling • construct projects indicative of personal skills levels and appropriate to
community needs. • become aware of the many different occupations required to building a
dwelling. Churchill Community School students have built 5 houses during the five year
duration of this class. Successful students will receive a construction 20 and 30 credit.
Design Studies 10
The aim of Design Studies is to provide experiences for developing proficiency in problem
solving, goal setting, critical thinking, and to provide opportunities to develop co-operative
work skills and technical skills using a design process. Design fundamentals, sketching, 2D
and 3D designing, and the exploration of the profession of design will be learned.
Drama 10/20
Students will be learning about arts expressions throughout life. They will learn to
appreciate the creativity of themselves and others and will increase their ability to express
themselves. They will gain an appreciation of dramatic arts as a participant and audience.
Students will be involved in planning and creating a production in the art form of drama.
Electronics 10
(Foundations Math 10 recommended)

This course includes theory, labs, projects and booth work. Electronics projects will reside in both analog
and digital. As well, there is an introduction to logic controllers and basic Electronics. This is a very
practical hands-on course designed for future electricians, electronic technicians, and hobbyists. A
genuine interest in how things work (And fit together) is a definite asset to this course.

Entrepreneurship 30
This course helps young entrepreneurs recognize the opportunities around them, think of
creative ideas, network and gather resources in order to plan out their own successful
business venture. Hands on activities will help them understand and develop values, skills
and characteristics that will help them become noteworthy young entrepreneurs.
Food Studies 10
Food Studies 10 focuses on the knowledge and understanding of food and nutrition.
Students will learn about healthy food choices and practise skills in the preparation of foods.
Students will learn about career opportunities in the fields of food and nutrition.
Food Studies 30
This class focuses on the Canada’s Food Guide for an individual’s health and wellness.
Students will learn about the science of nutrition, safety in the preparation and storage of
food and the social and cultural aspects of food for all people. Cooking and food prep will be
practised throughout the course.
Housing 30
Housing 30 is designed to give a broad understanding and appreciation of residential
housing in Saskatchewan and in other parts of the world. This course promotes an
understanding of individual housing needs and how these needs can be met in the new
millennium within the context of the family life cycle.
Housing 30 offers a breadth of career development information. Career links and
opportunities may be provided through field trips, guest speakers, and career development
work placement.
The aim of Housing 30 is to provide students with the opportunity to explore the field of
housing and gain an understanding of residential housing in Saskatchewan.
Throughout the course, students will gain knowledge and skills while making housing
decisions about: renting accommodation, purchasing real estate, insuring a home, securing
rental property, reading house plans, creating and analyzing landscape designs.
Life Transitions 30
This course deals with the “transitions” or changes students face as they journey towards
being an adult. Students will learn and practise practical life skills in the following areas:
Decision Making
Conflict Resolution
Career Planning
Money Management
Strategies for Dealing with Change
Practical and Applied Arts A10
The focus of this survey course is basic wood working and carpentry skills. The two main
projects, are a cabinet and a framing project, usually a garden shed. Each student builds a
cabinet. As for the framing project, students work in teams of three to five per project.
Work on the cabinet and framing project is scheduled for three days a week with the
remaining two days spent in the classroom on theory.
Practical and Applied Arts A20
This survey class covers Entrepreneurship, Fashion Design and Clothing and Textiles.
Students will work on areas of interest chosen from the PAA curriculum.
Practical and Applied Arts A30
This class includes a variety of activities all taking place in the
outdoors. The beautiful backdrop of Lac La Ronge will be the
classroom. Activities will include; snowshoeing, winter survival,
cross country skiing, hiking, canoeing, upright paddle boarding,
kayaking, swimming, rock climbing, biking etc. It also incorporates
leadership skills.
Visual Art 10/20/30
In visual Art 10/20/30 we will learn drawing, painting and sculpture techniques through
hands on assignments, studio lessons and module projects. The elements of art and
principles of art will be explored and utilized in every project and assignment. Projects will
vary according to credit class level.
Welding 10
Welding 10 consists of welding tasks and written assignments. By completing a variety of
welding tasks students are introduced to different welding processes such as oxyacetylene,
arc and mig welding. They also learn how to use metal shop tools such as stationary and
portable grinders and metal cutting band saw. Welding safety and theory is taught through
written assignments and quizzes.
Welding 20
Welding 20 consists of welding tasks and written assignments. Students are expected to
complete more advanced oxyacetylene, arc and mig welding tasks not only in flat, but also
in horizontal and vertical position. In arc the welding electrodes used include the 6011,
6013 and 7018. More complex welding theory is taught through written assignments.
Wildlife Management 10/30
The Wildlife Management courses are designed to stimulate an awareness of the importance
of wildlife in the daily life of an individual and for society as a whole. Modules of study will
be flexible and allow students to build on their own knowledge to create new
understandings. Students will be provided with the opportunity for success through a
blending of theory and practical experience achieved in and out of school. The activities and
theory are intended to lead to an understanding of career development opportunities and
hobbies in the field of wildlife appreciation and management.

For more information about available courses, please contact:


Career Guidance:

Ms. Rhonda Watchel

306 425 2255 

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