Middle Years Program Details:
All grade 7 core subjects will be taught by each of the grade 7 homeroom teachers. Grade 8 and 9 teachers will be specializing by subject. For example: one grade 8 teacher will teach Math to all regular grade 8 classes, another will teach Science and the third teacher will teach Social Studies; similarly in grade 9. This will help prepare for transition into grade 10.
Specialist teachers will be instructing “satellite” classes to all students in grades 7 – 9. (Phys. Ed, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Art, Cree, Core French, Computers)
These classes are offered on a rotating cycle throughout the year. Students are expected to participate fully in these classes as they would in their home-room class.
Middle Years Exams:
Students in grades seven, eight and nine will have formalized mid-year and year-end exams in the following core subjects:
Grade 7: Language Arts and Math
Grade 8: Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies
Grade 9: Recommendations will be applied to grade nine in the following manner:
At the end of June, prior to final exams, any student in grade nine with a subject average of 79.5% or greater for the year, will be eligible to be recommended and not have to write the final exam in up to three core subject areas. This means all grade nine students must write at least one final in June in Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies (this new initiative was decided jointly with school staff and the SCC).
- Any student in grade nine can write any final if he/she so chooses
- If a student has 79.5% or better, he/she may choose recommendation for that subject
- If a grade nine student has recommends in all four core subject areas, he/she must choose one subject to write the final.
These mid-term exams in January and final exams in June account for 20% of the final grade (except in grade nine recommendations).
Middle Years Promotion Criteria
Teachers, special education personnel, and administration will review student progress throughout the year.
Decisions will be made on next year’s placement based on the most appropriate program available that meets the needs of the individual student. Parents will be advised at the April teacher/parent interview or later in term four, on the options available for the upcoming year.
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