By: Journalism 20 Student
Lynda Renaud has been teaching for over 40 years in and around the North in Saskatchewan. When interviewed about her teaching career due to her upcoming retirement, she happily participated and answered our questions.
Mrs. Renaud has been teaching at Churchill Community High School for 17 years. She teaches English Language Arts in Grade Ten, Eleven and Twelve. She’s taught in Sucker River, Air Ronge, Meadow Lake, Buffalo Narrows, Loon Lake and North Battleford. When asked which community she liked best, she said “I find that a hard question because I’m an optimistic person, and whichever community I’m living in, is the one I like the best.”
Renaud says the best thing about being a teacher is the long summer holidays.
A pet peeve Renaud has with students is when students say “they don’t get it just because they don’t want to think about it, or take the time to actually analyze the question.” When asked the same question, but about teachers, Renaud said “not just with teachers, but adults in general is that, if you say you’re going to do something, then make that commitment and do it. Don’t just talk about it and not follow through with the action.”
Renaud doesn’t believe that teaching is a repetitive thing. “Every day, every moment, is different.”
Renaud says that teaching has to do with people’s emotions and people’s interpretations. “Depending on what’s going on in a students lives that might change their perspective on any particular day or moment.” Renaud doesn’t find anything boring when it comes to teaching.
Renaud says that she would love if the actual school board came to the school so that they can see the wonderful things going on here.
This is Renaud’s last year of teaching and we wish her a good year.
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