Science 10

Prerequisite: Science 9

This course combines life science, earth science, and physical science through three major
themes. The study of factors that influence Earth’s climate and ecosystems includes
examining the role of human actions and feedback mechanisms. The second theme
involves study of the characteristics and rates of chemical reactions and how to represent
chemical reactions using models, works, and equations. Lastly, students will investigate the
motion of objects and the role of forces in causing motion. Student inquiry will guide
investigations of these topics as well as related careers.

Science 11

Prerequisite: Science 9

Units of Study
Living Things in their Environment
How Living Things are organized
Food for Life
Digestion and Transport Breathing and Movement Behaviour and Control
Reproduction in Simple Organisms and Plants
Reproduction in Higher Animals
Heredity and Change through Time
Protecting Health

Computer Science 20

Prerequisite Science 10 (Fd Math 10 recommended)

This course focuses on Web design. We cover
HTML which is the backbone of a webpage
• CSS which is the design /formatting of a a webpage
• javascript which allows us to add interactive components to our webpage
While not a prerequisite having completed or currently taking Foundations and Pre-Cal 10 is

Environmental Science 20

Prerequisite: Science 10

Throughout this course, you will…
• Examine local and global environmental issues such as climate change, water, soil
and air quality, urbanization, bioresearch management, waste handling and disposal,
land-use planning and the impacts of agriculture and industry on the environment
from scientific and Indigenous knowledge perspectives.
• examine the role of environmental policies and ethics on decision making
• investigate environmental science related careers
• create an environmental action plan

Environmental Science 21

Prerequisite: Science 11

Science 21 is an activity based course designed to provide students with practical science needed for
everyday life. Students are provided with some exposure to biology, chemistry and the physical sciences.
The nature of biology, with an emphasis on ecological and health issues, consumer chemistry, and
science and technology are all studied. The four units covered include:
Unit One: Chemistry
Unit Two: Biology
Unit Three: Physics
Unit Four: Applied Science

Health Science 20

Prerequisite: Science 10

This course will challenge students to look at the health science field from holistic and
analytic perspectives to provide a basis for making sound personal health choices. Students
will examine the range of philosophies that guide health care and consider ethical decision
within those contexts.

Physical Science 20

Prerequisite: Science 10

This course combines chemistry and physics in an integrated manner to investigate
concepts related to heating and cooling, the foundations of chemistry, including the mole
and quantitative analysis of molecules and chemical reactions, and the characteristics and
properties of waves. An overarching theme is the study of the enterprise of public and
private science as it occurs in agriculture, industry, and universities to help students better
understand various physical science related career paths. Student inquiry will guide
independent investigations of physical science phenomena.

Biology 30

Prerequisite: Health Science 20 and/ or Environmental Science 20

Biology 30 offers students a more in-depth look into five major areas: The Chemical Basis of
Life, Cell Structure and Function, Genetics, Animal Systems and Evolution. Students will
have an opportunity to complete lab work by using a wide range of laboratory equipment
and technology. Through inquiry and discussion, they will come to a greater appreciation for

Chemistry 30

Prerequisite: Physical Science 20

A major focus of the course is the study of the role of chemical properties and bonds in
determining what makes materials suitable for use in specific applications. Students will
actively investigate the nature of equilibrium in chemical reactions. In electrochemistry,
students explore oxidation-reduction reactions and the impact of electrochemistry on society
and the environment. Other topics include organic compounds and acid-base chemistry.
Student inquiry will also be used to guide independent investigations of chemistry-related

Computer Science 30

Prerequisite: Computer Science 20

Computer Science 30 is an advanced course in programming. This course includes the study of a second
programming language visual basic.. The concepts that are covered include:
Review of Introduction to Computers, visual basics, Control Structures, Loop Structures, Arrays

Earth Science 30

Prerequisite: Environmental Science 20 and/or Physical Science 20

Students will examine our planet’s geological origins and the geological timescale as a
foundation to guide decision making with regard to the use of its mineral and energy
resources, the maintenance and remediation of the environment, and response to geological
hazards. Hands-on field experiences will enable students to develop visual-spatial reasoning
skills and an understanding of the role of Geographic Information Systems. Students will
also explore the historical and contemporary significance of Earth Science and related

Physics 30

Prerequisite: Physical Science 20

This course enables students to investigate concepts related to modern physics such as
quantum mechanics, relativity, and nuclear physics. Students will analyze the forces that
cause motion using Newtonian mechanics. Using the conservation laws of momentum and
energy, students will analyze and predict the results of interactions between objects. Lastly,
students will explore gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields and their interactions.
Student inquiry will guide independent investigations of physics-related phenomena.

For more information about available courses, please contact:

Marian Andrews– Career Guidance

306 425 2255 ext. 236 

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